Greater Malden Behavioral Health, Inc is a DPH licensed mental health clinic that specializes in providing comprehensive outpatient mental health intervention and prevention services to everyone regardless of race, creed, color, ethnicity, language, sexual identity/preference, gender, age, disability, or socio-economic status.
Greater Malden Behavioral Health was established in 2013 by a group of mental health professionals from various towns surrounding the Greater Malden area who are committed to providing culturally competent interventions that fostered well being and personal satisfaction.
These mental health professionals of GMBH have an average of twenty plus years of direct services treating families from a variety of ethnic and cultural groups. In addition, these professionals are also representative of the families they service. WE consist of licensed social workers, psychologist, mental health counselors, psychiatrist, registered nurses, case managers, substance abuse counselors, and educators.
GMBH administrative and clinical staff has worked for many years with individuals and families referred from the judicial system, public and private schools, Department of Social Services, Department of Revenue, Department of Youth Services, Roxbury Youth Works, Department of Transition and Welfare, Boston Housing Authority, Boston Public Health Commission, Pine Street Inn, Shattuck Shelter, Academic and Behavioral Assessment Center, The Osiris Group, and the Boston Police Department.
Greater Malden Behavioral Health will continue to work closely with the aforementioned partners and develop new relationships with the Malden community. The Mayor has welcomed the clinic with open arms and expresses a need for more diversity in his mental health treatment response for his constituents.
GMBH’s treatment philosophy is to provide high quality, accessible, and culturally effective mental health prevention, assessment and intervention services to children, adolescents, adults, and families at risk. Our goal is to promote social, emotional, economic, and behavioral health and to establish long-standing resources for children, families, and their communities. GMBH is committed to client centered practice in all of our programs and services. GMBH strives to provide a seamless array of high quality assessment, stabilization, treatment and support services to Individuals, families and children.
To ensure quality clinical intervention the Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT) randomly review consumer charts weekly to ensure quality services are being documented and provided. All clients will be connected to a primary care provider and the PCP will be notified of GMBH involvement when clinically indicated and for those clients who need a PCP a referral will given. GMBH will ensure that all clients on medication will be monitored for compliance and GMBH will also maintain a close relationship with the prescribing provider to ensure clients attend a follow-up appointment on a regular basis. For those clients that crises planning is indicated, an appropriate plan will be developed with sensitivity to clients ability to follow through and that they have the support systems in place.
GMBH believes that for those with a soft support system that treatment goals will be added to help client address the need for trusting supportive relationships in time of crises. GMBH will have around the clock mental health coverage by a live person who is experienced in treating clients in crises. After the client is stabilized and treatment has progressed to a level where the client is no longer appropriate for treatment a discharge plan will be implemented. This plan will also have had a genesis in the initial treatment plan process and be a seamless transition from a client who is no longer in need of GMBH services.